Job Guarantee

We believe in our program. We believe in you. Land a job or get a full refund.

In order to qualify for the Twilearn Promise of Job Guarantee and 100% Placement.

In order to graduate, you must have fulfilled all prerequisites, which include:

  1. You must have completed 90% of the course curriculum, including the pre-recorded classes shared with you.

  2. For all of the main projects, you are required to achieve or exceed the expectations of a minimum of 7 points.

  3. At least seventy (85%) percent of the live courses must have been attended by you.

  4. You must have scored at least a score of 70% in the final examination conducted by the Twilearn team.

  5. You must have completed and passed all the career development tasks given to you by your training and placement team.

  6. Make sure you respond to placement-related communications from Twilearn instantly or maximum within 24 hours.

  7. You must be active with your job search, and ensure that you are applying to at least 4 qualifications by your end.

  8. You are guaranteed maximum interviews for qualifying positions. In case you fail to clear interviews, we will not be liable for money back, but can definitely help with revision classes.

  9. In order to be considered for a qualifying position, you are required to make efforts that are both reasonable and made in good faith at all times. How you may benefit from this guarantee without limiting what has been said above, the following are examples of circumstances that will render this guarantee null and void:

    • You turn down a job offer/opportunity for a qualifying position.

    • You decide not to conduct a job search.

    • You accept a role that does not meet the qualifying position criteria mentioned above or is outside of Domain before the 6-month guarantee period is over.

    • You decide not to put sufficient and consistent effort into your job search, as outlined above .

    • You do not want to or are unable to live and work in one of the metropolitan areas.

    • You do not follow through with the interview process for Qualifying Positions in a timely and professional manner.

    • You are not present or do not reschedule/cancel a call with less than 24 hours notice with KAM, Placement Coordinator, or Mock interviewer 3 or more times.

    • You do not communicate with the Placement team consistently throughout the job search process, including the offer received.

    • You lose work authorization or do not have sufficient work authorization that meets the requirements above during the search.

    • You become physically or mentally unable to conduct an effective job search as outlined above during the Program or Guarantee Period.

    • You do not apply for Qualifying Positions as required above throughout the Guarantee Period.

    • You significantly change job search strategy during the Guarantee Period, including without limitation changing search, or industry, unless agreed to in advance by Company.

    • You do not follow through with the interview process for Qualifying Positions in a timely and professional manner, including but not limited to not participating as expected by the employer in the interview process by providing responses to employer communications, showing up on time for interviews, and providing documents or follow up as expected by employers.

    • You do not apply for jobs that are suitable for his/her background or experience as discussed in his/her calls with the Company's Placement team.

    • Placement validity is 11 months from course completion date.